How is the first exam like?

July 13, 2008

For the software test engineer post, previously the first exam is a multiple-choice exam comprised of 3 parts — first on logic, then on mathematics (relax, no higher math involved) and lastly on reading comprehension. For the revised first exam, the reading comprehension part has been removed.  Excluding the reading comprehension part, the exam is 45 items long and takes 1 hour.

For the software developer post, the first exam consists of 10 items on problem solving, and the exam takes 2.5 hours. As an incentive, a free Nintendo DS will be given for perfecting the exam.

How long does a project last?

July 13, 2008

This primarily depends on the size of the project. Some of our projects have been done in as little as a couple of months, while some take years. Drawing from my experience, on the average, my projects took 1.3 each*. Of course, this varies from person to person.

* number of years / number of projects

What kinds of software do you create?

July 13, 2008

Most of our projects are web-based systems specifically tailored for the business needs of the clients. So they’re not like shrink-wrapped or commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products that can readily be distributed for anyone’s use. Some are internal systems to be used only by the clients, some are available online for their own clients or their target users to access.

What are your working hours?

July 10, 2008

We’re on flexi-time so on weekdays (M-F), you can come in as early as 8am and work till 5pm, OR come in at 10am and work till 7pm. We also have Saturday work wherein we are required to come in for 3 hours and we get a company-sponsored lunch. For Saturdays, we can come in as late as 11:59pm.

Are there opportunities for training or working abroad?

July 10, 2008

From the official website:

Most of the training is provided internally, and similarly most of the testing work is done within the Manila and Cebu offices. Depending on the project’s needs, members of the team may be sent abroad for training or for project-related tasks. In the past, our testers have been sent abroad for CMMI training, project proposals, design work, and on-site testing in Hong Kong, Singapore, and China. And as Azeus continues to grow further, opportunities beyond the South East Asian region are being explored.

What is the career path?

July 10, 2008

Various paths (and what the testers could become) include:

  • towards leadership — they become a lead tester, coordinator, team leader
  • towards teaching — mentor, trainer
  • towards other specialization — designer, system analyst, consultant
  • others includes being part of the organization’s improvement initiatives

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What is the training like?

July 10, 2008

For new testers, a classroom type of training is provided for around 1.5 months. They are taught SQL, basic web concepts and fundamentals of software testing with a hands-on approach since they’ll be given testing exercises.

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What are the technical requirements for testers?

July 10, 2008

A lot of the testers in Azeus were graduates of Math and ECE. But there’s no restriction. Graduates of any course are welcome to apply as software test engineers or testers. Plus, applicants must be of good (if not very good) academic standing. Programming knowledge is not a requirement.

Ultimately, from having very little technical background, through training and experience, the ideal goal is to make you highly technical and competent in the IT field.

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What is the recruitment process for testers like?

July 10, 2008

If all goes well, first you get called in for your Aptitude Exam (multiple-choice on logic, math and comprehension), then an interview with the HR staff, and then for the Technical Interview. The final decision on whether you are hired then follows within a week’s time after the technical interview. Then you get scheduled for the Job Offer.

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What traits are most helpful for becoming good testers?

July 10, 2008

In a nutshell… being critical thinkers, inquisitive, observant, thorough so as to be able to expose defects (no matter how well hidden). Objective, precise and clear when it comes to reporting bugs since this will help in getting the bug fixed. What else… stringent in upholding quality and standards, with a desire to learn and share. And of course, able to work well with others.

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